Spring Brings Hope is a charity collab benefiting Jenna K of MN.
Jenna was diagnosed in Dec of 2009, with Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder,a form of Cancer caused by the anti-rejection medications she received following her transplant. She received a liver transplant in 1997 when she was 7 years old. Jenna is now home from her 1st Semester of college at Bemidji State University in MN, receiving a rigorous chemotherapy treatment for the next 6 months.
100% of proceeds from this kit will be given to Jenna to cover her medical expenses. When you purchase this kit you will also get a coupon for $3 off the Digi Scrpas Drive-in Flavor of the Month, My Inspiration.
Here is my part of this blog train.

Your next stop is Forever More Creations
Here is a preview of the full kit which you can get here.
Just in case you get lost along the way here is the list of all the stops.
Inkin Creations http://inkincreations.blogspot.com/
Mad Genius Designs http://bothmadandgenius.blogspot.com/
Kerry Scraps http://www.kerrysscraps.blogspot.com/
Gail's Moments In Time http://gailsmomentsintime.blogspot.com/ YOU ARE HERE
For Ever More Creations http://forevermorecreations.blogspot.com/
Digi Eye Scraps http://digieyescraps.blogspot.com/
Heide's Scrap Spot http://heidescrapspot.blogspot.com/
CJoy2Day Designs http://www.cjoy2day.blogspot.com/
Digi Deborah's Designs http://digideborahsdesigns.blogspot.com/
Carol's Creative Corber http://carolscreativecorner.blogspot.com/
Tess The Scrapper http://tessthescrapper.blogspot.com/
Designs by Angel http://scrappingwithangel.blogspot.com
DigiLover's Addiction http://digilovers-addiction.blogspot.com/
JanetB Designs http://nanapixels.blogspot.com/
Kimberly Schlehahn http://scrapaddict1969.blogspot.com/
Little Red Scraps http://littleredscraps.blogspot.com
Kerry Scraps http://www.kerrysscraps.blogspot.com/
Gail's Moments In Time http://gailsmomentsintime.blogspot.com/ YOU ARE HERE
For Ever More Creations http://forevermorecreations.blogspot.com/
Digi Eye Scraps http://digieyescraps.blogspot.com/
Heide's Scrap Spot http://heidescrapspot.blogspot.com/
CJoy2Day Designs http://www.cjoy2day.blogspot.com/
Digi Deborah's Designs http://digideborahsdesigns.blogspot.com/
Carol's Creative Corber http://carolscreativecorner.blogspot.com/
Tess The Scrapper http://tessthescrapper.blogspot.com/
Designs by Angel http://scrappingwithangel.blogspot.com
DigiLover's Addiction http://digilovers-addiction.blogspot.com/
JanetB Designs http://nanapixels.blogspot.com/
Kimberly Schlehahn http://scrapaddict1969.blogspot.com/
Little Red Scraps http://littleredscraps.blogspot.com